sábado, 19 de janeiro de 2008

To the international world

Hi folks
I have been away this week because I had to travel to Den Haag/Amsterdam in work. Just came back yesterday. Beside of the weather and mainly the food, its a very nice country:)
And what a great opportunity to write my first post in English. From the practice I had in Holland this post will not have mistakes and every body (except Spanish guys) will fully understand it:)
For some time I wanted to do it. Because in the statcounter of this blog I have been seeing some guys entering, that theirs IP numbers are located in US, or other different countries. Probably lost, and because they can't ready anything in this blog, they will continued to be lost.
But my son's, don't be scared, because you will understand this post and it will guide you to a better world, or not:)
For a start if you want to read more of this blog, you and every body can translate any page in any language that suites for you. There is many on-line translators, even add-ons in firefox, so there are no excuses:)
After that it is a question of following my posts. New and old ones. The old ones are easily found in the right at archives.

I thought putting in a newsletter associated to the blog, so that I would notify the readers when a new post is written. But I step back, because I think if you like to read my words then you will came back soon or later. Just naturally, not because I'm asking it by email.
But even so, if you like to have a track in my blog, the news feed is activated. For know just part of the post is shown, so that to read the rest you need to enter in the blog.

I'm trying to write as often as possible, so that if you came in at least weekly, you will have something new to read. Until know I write at least one post per week, but most of the times I'm writing more than once, even one time I wrote two posts in the same day:)
Always in focus to put some interest content on it. But I will not be inspired all days.
Another focus that I will try to have, although some times a bit difficult, is to keep it simple and short, so that will be easy to read:) So I will end this post immediately with a period.

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