sexta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2008


Beginning of August. End of a working year and start of vacations for many of us. Or at least for me:D Finally the critical phase of my project got to a successful end. No more endless nights for this one. A deserved vacations awaits. Starting one day early. A bonus from the project to compensate our final effort. That's how I think it should happen in all projects. It's normal to work a little bit more in crucial dates. Projects time frames have to be accomplish. Workers will work harder and give theirs best if at least in theirs subconsciousness they know that can be compensate for extra effort. But no more talk about work.
Its time to relax, at least relax our mind. Because physically it might not happen. More and more often, one use his vacations to do what it couldn't do during work time. So he tries to do the maximum in the shorted time period. Travel to different places, participate in all possible activities. Try different and strange things. Stretch our body to the limits. But basically at the end we will get out of our daily routine. For instance, now its 4AM and I'm not working neither sleeping:) I'm in one of my Zen environments, after an evening and a late night with friends. This is vacations, doing different things during stupid hours:)
So physically we might return more tired from vacations. And more often is talked about the stress of coming back from vacations. Our lives are so different between work and vacations that we don't deal so good with this changes. One might be so good and another so bad. I don't want to say that we should do less in vacations. No, we should enjoy the most of it. But we also should organize our time to enjoy life during work days. Of course we get tired after work and I'm not said to party all night every days. But enjoy a dinner with friends, our schedule a weekend travelling. Or take some radical activities or hiking in one of Portugal's beautiful scenarios. Book and organize every thing your self, or use one of many enterprises that book every thing for us. It just a difference of €. But what is for the money earned daily? For superfluous things? at least nowadays it doesn't buy time. So enjoy the most every day. Being vacations or work or what ever.
Because vacations are more than a simple weekend, typically they are associated with travelling abroad. So I will go for the next days to a different country called Allgarve:) That's why I'm writing this text in English. I'm going to a foreign "country" full of British and Germans:D So I will continue to write in English. At least until the end of my vacations.
I won't be connected so often to the world, but I will try to write as often as I can. Probably writing off-line. Describing the beauty of vacations lol.
My thoughts won't stop for nothing. So I don't intent to stop writing. The content might change, but the book is the same.

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